Your feet must last a lifetime, and most Americans log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can make sure your feet are up to the task. With proper detection, intervention and care, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented.
Saint Francis Podiatry Locations
Warren Clinic Podiatry – Tulsa Area
Warren Clinic Podiatry – McAlester Area
Warren Clinic Podiatry – Muskogee Area
Common Foot Conditions
The board-certified foot and ankle surgeons at Warren Clinic Podiatry will diagnose and treat conditions affecting the foot, toe and ankle. Conditions include:
- Bunions
- Developmental concerns
- Diabetic foot wounds
- Gout
- Hammer toes
- Heel pain
- Neuromas
- Sprains and fractures
Didn't find what you were looking for? Not all conditions are listed here. Please call your local office to ask about a specific treatment option.
Treatment Options
Foot problems may be treated with shoe inserts or any kind of non-prescription foot support designed to be worn inside a shoe. Custom orthotics—specially made devices designed to support and comfort your feet —may also be appropriate treatment, as well as physical therapy and surgery.
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Surgery may be considered when pain or deformity persists in order to alleviate discomfort and restore the function of your foot. Conditions that may benefit from surgery include:
- Arthritis sprains
- Bunions that have become painful
- Cartilage loss and foot or ankle deformities due to Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Flatfoot
- Tendon tears
Schedule an Appointment
Don’t ignore your feet for too long. If you suffer from a foot ailment, make an appointment. Search the locations above or our podiatry physician directory to find a provider near you.
Learn More About Healthcare Services Provided Through Saint Francis
The physicians, staff and volunteers of Saint Francis Health System are dedicated to the healthcare of our communities in eastern Oklahoma. To learn more about services provided through Saint Francis, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.