As the highly-anticipated day draws near, it’s very important to be prepared for your stay in the hospital. By week 34 (week 28 if your pregnancy is considered high-risk) you should have a bag packed and plan in place to make the transition as easy as possible for you and your new baby.
Before You Arrive
There are a couple of key things to do before your baby is born.
- Ensure you have the appropriate sized car seat installed properly and checked by a trained professional;
- become familiar with the parking, admissions and general hospital layout of the campus you plan to give birth,
- pre-register, and
- pack a bag.
Car Seat Installation
Arguably the most important thing to do before your baby is born is to have the appropriate sized car seat installed and checked. Safe Kids Tulsa Area (918-494-7233) can help ensure the seat is installed properly. Safe Kids also offers a car seat workshop for those who need help obtaining a car seat. Registration is required for the workshop and minimum requirements must be met. Please review the car seat event for details.
Labor and Delivery Tours
Tours for Saint Francis Hospital and Saint Francis Hospital South deliveries can be scheduled here. Saint Francis Hospital Muskogee families can call the Labor and Delivery Unit at 918-684-2159 to schedule a tour.
Pre-registering for Your Delivery
Pre-registration is also recommended at all hospitals. Saint Francis Hospital and Saint Francis Hospital South families can do so online or in person. Completing this step ahead of time will ensure one less thing to worry about when delivery day has arrived.
Packing Your Bag
Below is a list of suggested items to bring along for your hospital stay:
- Toiletries, such as mouthwash, shampoo, toothbrush, soap, deodorant, hairbrush, makeup, etc.
- Contact lens case and solution (if you wear contacts)
- Lip balm or gloss to help alleviate chapped lips (non-petroleum based)
- Body lotion (not strongly scented)
- Pajamas, robe, underwear and nursing bra
- Seasonally appropriate and comfortable going home clothing for you and the new baby
- Warm, comfortable socks (many women find their feet get cold during labor)
- Receiving blankets
- Insurance cards and identification
- At least two extra pillows for comfort during labor - these also help to make your bed more familiar and home-like afterwards
- Device to play for music
- Tennis balls or some sort of back roller for back labor
- Snacks for your labor partner
- Games or books to help pass the time
- Lamaze class materials
Our staff is dedicated to providing a family-centered birthing atmosphere where mom and partner and/or support person will feel as "at home" as possible. Visitors are allowed in the room anytime at mom's discretion—with the exception of the birth itself. One support person is allowed in the delivery room. This is a good time for visitors to visit the cafeteria or one of the many food kiosks throughout our hospitals. There is also a waiting room nearby for visitors to regroup and await news of the new arrival.
Learn More About Pregnancy Services from Saint Francis Health System
For more pregnancy information, or to learn more about having your baby at a Saint Francis hospital, please review the links throughout this section. If you need an OBGYN or primary healthcare provider, search our physician directory.