At Saint Francis Health System, we believe the more you know about the normal processes of pregnancy and your changing body, the better prepared you will be to cope with the possible discomforts along the way. You'll also better understand how choices you make while pregnant affect your developing baby. Remember, a healthy mom is the first step to a healthy baby!
From childbirth classes to prenatal testing to high-risk care, Saint Francis Health System is here to help you prepare for the big day. Attend a childbirth class, ask questions and involve your husband/partner whenever possible.
General Dos and Don'ts of Pregnancy
To newly pregnant women, it may seem the list of “dos and don’ts” is daunting to say the least. But, bear in mind it’s all for a very good cause. The following guidelines are designed to help you enjoy a happier, healthier pregnancy as you begin the countdown for your baby's arrival.
- Strive for at least six to eight hours of sleep each night.
- When you lie down to rest, recline on your left side whenever possible. When you are on your left side, the weight of your growing uterus is shifted off of the major blood vessels that supply your lower body, thus allowing the blood to circulate more freely.
- Continue with as many normal activities as possible.
- Eat lightly – Try five to six small daily meals rather than three large meals. Some healthy snack options include raisins, nuts, seeds, legumes, green leafy vegetables, lean meats, iron-enriched cereals and breads and most dairy products.
- Drink at least six to eight glass of water a day.
- Exercise daily – If you didn't have an exercise routine before becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about how best to start. Generally, a brisk 30-minute walk is excellent. If you were active before becoming pregnant, discuss your routine with your doctor. Modification may be needed as your center of gravity shifts. Always listen to your body and talk to your doctor about anything that seems out of the ordinary.
- Tell your doctor about any prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking. They may be able to direct you to a safer alternative.
- Tell your doctor about any smoking, alcohol and drug use by yourself or those around you.
- Contact your provider with any concerns or questions – no matter how small they may seem.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.
- Do not smoke during pregnancy. If you do smoke, talk to your doctor about tips and tools you can use to cut back and ultimately quit.
- Avoid lying flat on your back for long periods of time. This can cause pressure on a major vein thus decreasing circulation to the baby.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure to the face. This is advised in order to discourage developing what's known as "pregnancy mask," that is, dark, splotchy spots on your face.
- Avoid use of vasoconstrictor nose drops without talking to your doctor first.
- Avoid hot tubs, saunas, steam baths, sun tanning and sun tanning beds.