Welcome to the Saint Francis Health System expectant and new parent resource page. We understand this time is both exciting and overwhelming and strive to provide information and guidance to help along the way.
Childbirth and Parenting Prep
The expectant family program at Saint Francis provides in-person and online education offerings to ensure expectant parents are prepared and feel comfortable with the process.
*Our goal is to provide transparent care, so each patient is aware of everything that is happening throughout the labor process. Saint Francis Hospital South and Saint Francis Hospital Muskogee use similar communication tools and safety measures in their labor and delivery areas.

In-Person Childbirth Classes and Tours
In-Person Childbirth Classes and Tours
With added safety measures in place, we are excited to resume some in-person childbirth education classes. Our experienced nurse educators present the information in an easy, conversational atmosphere and welcome questions. All resources are available to our in-person participants. Class registrations and tour spots are limited.
Online Childbirth Classes
YoMingo App
YoMingo App
Saint Francis Health System has partnered with YoMingo to give expectant families easy access to health education anytime, anywhere. Registration is easy and free to all Saint Francis expectant families.
Learn at Home
Learn at Home
Printed childbirth and breastfeeding educational materials are also available to our online community at no charge. To request these free materials, please register below.
The ABC's of Safe Sleep
Alone. No blankets, stuffed toys, bumper pads, mesh bumpers and absolutely no other people in the baby's sleep space.
Back. Until their first birthday, babies should always be put to sleep on their backs.
Crib or Bassinet. Cribs, portable cribs, bassinets and play yards meet safety standards for sleep spaces.
Saint Francis Birthing Centers

Saint Francis Hospital Muskogee
Saint Francis Hospital Muskogee
300 Rockefeller Drive
Muskogee, Oklahoma 74401

Saint Francis Hospital South
Saint Francis Hospital South
10501 East 91st Street South
Tulsa, OK 74133
Call the Saint Francis MomLine: 918-502-MOMS (6667)
To reach the Saint Francis Childbirth Coordinator: 918-494-BABY (2229) or [email protected].