Congratulations on the arrival of your precious newborn! Our goal is to provide you with a safe and pleasant stay while you are at any Saint Francis facility. Our staff is happy to help you in any way. So, please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can make this experience the best it can be for you, your husband or partner, as well as the newest addition to your family.
Saint Francis Newborn Services
Please review the topics below for help getting through these first couple of months. It is true that this new world is rewarding, but it also takes some adjustment—for you, your spouse/partner and for your newborn. Deep, calming breaths go a long way to bring down sleep-deprived tension and remember, you are not alone!
Resources to Help Conquer the Newborn Stage
Whether you have questions about breastfeeding or your baby just won't stop crying, the resources below have been set up to help new parents navigate this new world.
Breastfeeding help: 918-494-MILK (6455) – You may have to leave a message, but leave a good call-back number and one of our lactation nurses will return your call.
The Period of Purple Crying – What is normal and will it ever end!?
Text4Baby – receive text updates on development, nutrition, medical needs and more for your baby through his/her first birthday
Talking is Teaching – Fun tips and resources to help you talk, read and sing with your child every day—and why it's important.
Urgent Postpartum Warning Signs – Urgent warning signs to look out for during or after pregnancy.
Please help us maintain a safe environment for you and your family. At this time, no siblings or visitors under the age of 18 are allowed to visit in the Labor and Delivery and Mother-Baby (postpartum) units.
Learn More About Newborn Services Available Through Saint Francis
For more information, view the links below. To find a Pediatrician for your newborn, see our online physician directory or call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.
Choosing a Pediatrician
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Newborn Screenings