When a mammogram alone isn't enough, Saint Francis Health System offers several different advanced diagnostic options.
Breast Health Diagnostics
Breast Biopsy
This procedure removes a sample of breast tissue to determine if it is malignant or benign. Individual circumstances determine whether a surgical or needle biopsy is performed.
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Breast MRI
A screening MRI is recommended along with a yearly mammogram for certain women at high risk for breast cancer. For a patient already diagnosed with cancer, the breast MRI will improve surgical planning. The MRI will give the surgeon an idea of the true size of the tumor and will allow the surgeon to look for additional cancers in the breasts.
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Breast Ultrasound
A breast ultrasound is generally used to further evaluate a lump or mammogram finding. This procedure can also help distinguish between fluid-filled cysts and solid tumors.
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Also known as a ductogram, this method is used to determine which milk ducts are the sources of abnormal nipple discharge.
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Advanced Diagnostics for Breast Health in Eastern Oklahoma
Saint Francis Breast Health Services offers multiple services and locations across eastern Oklahoma.
The physicians, staff and volunteers of Saint Francis Health System are dedicated to the healthcare of our communities. To learn more about services provided through Saint Francis, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.