Breast Ultrasound

A breast ultrasound is generally used to further evaluate a lump or mammogram finding. Saint Francis Health System offers breast ultrasound at locations across eastern Oklahoma.

The imaging technique works by using sound waves to look inside the body. A clinician spreads a thin coating of lubricating jelly over the breast and a hand-held instrument directs the sound waves through the skin. As the sound waves reflect back from the breast tissue, a computer translates them into a two-dimensional image. Saint Francis also offers whole breast, or automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) for use in appropriate situations.

Reasons for a Breast Ultrasound

  • To evaluate breast problems that are found during a screening or diagnostic mammogram or a physical exam.
  • To distinguish between fluid-filled cysts and solid tumors.
  • As part of other diagnostic procedures, such as needle biopsies.

Breast Ultrasound Locations Across Eastern Oklahoma



Learn More About Saint Francis Breast Health Services

Saint Francis Breast Health Services offers multiple services and locations across eastern Oklahoma.