Breast Biopsy
Regardless of how a lump is detected, the presence of cancer can only be confirmed by a breast biopsy. Biopsies remove a sample of cells or tissue which specially-trained physicians/pathologists examine with a microscope to determine if the sample is malignant or benign. If cancer cells are present in the tissue, you and your breast care team will decide what method of treatment is appropriate for your situation.
Types of Breast Biopsies
There are two main types of biopsies used to detect breast cancer. Your individual circumstances will guide your breast team in deciding which method to use.
Surgical Biopsy
During a surgical biopsy, the surgeon removes part or all of the lump or suspicious area. The tissue is examined by a pathologist who checks for cancer cells.
Needle Biopsies
Fine-Needle Biopsy: A very thin needle is used to remove fluid, or a small amount of tissue, from the lump. Local anesthetic may or may not be used. The biopsy will determine whether the lump is a cyst filled with fluid or a solid mass.
Core Needle Biopsy: During this procedure a slightly larger needle is used than the fine-needle biopsy to remove several cores of tissue. Ultrasound may be used to direct a needle in the breast if the suspicious area is too small to be felt. Patients receive a local anesthetic and the specimen is examined in the laboratory for cancer cells.
Vacuum-Assisted Needle Biopsy: For this procedure a local anesthetic is used and a small incision is made. A probe is inserted through the incision into the abnormal area of the breast. A core of tissue is suctioned into the probe and the tissue sample is cut from the rest of the breast. No stitches are needed and there is minimal scarring. This method usually removes about twice as much tissue as core biopsies. A vacuum-assisted needle is often used with ultrasound or MRI guidance.
Stereotactic Needle Biopsy: This biopsy is useful in cases which calcifications or a mass can be seen on the mammogram but cannot be felt. Mammograms are taken from two angles and computers map the exact location of the mass or calcifications. The needle is then placed into or adjacent to a breast mass or calcification cluster to obtain a tissue sample for the biopsy.
Questions to Ask Before a Breast Biopsy
It is important to remember that what is ideal for one person is not always the right choice for the next.
Factors to consider when discussing which biopsy is best for your situation include how suspicious the area appears, the size and number of lesions, where in the breast the lesion(s) is located, and other medical problems you may be experiencing. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of each viable option with your physician. It may help to bring a family member or friend along to help take notes. You may want to view a printable list of questions to ask your doctor.
Learn More About Breast Biopsies from Saint Francis
Saint Francis Breast Health Services offers multiple services and locations across eastern Oklahoma.
The physicians, staff and volunteers of Saint Francis Health System are dedicated to the healthcare of our communities. To learn more about services provided through Saint Francis, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.