The most common type of heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease (CAD). For some people, the first sign of CAD is a heart attack. The heart specialists at Saint Francis Health System want to help you reduce your risk for CAD.
Understanding CAD
CAD is caused when plaque builds up on the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart (called coronary arteries). Plaque is made up of deposits of cholesterol and other substances in the artery. Over time, a process called atherosclerosis happens when the plaque buildup causes the arteries to narrow and block blood flow. If your heart muscle doesn't receive enough blood, then you may experience chest pain or discomfort, called angina. CAD weakens the heart muscle which can lead to heart failure, irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia.
Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease
There are some steps you can take to help lower your risk for a heart attack or worsening heart disease.
- Lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet (lower sodium, lower fat), increasing physical activity and quitting smoking
- Medications to treat risk factors, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat and low blood flow
- Surgical procedures may also help restore blood flow to the heart
Learn More About Healthcare Services Provided Through Saint Francis
The physicians, staff and volunteers of Saint Francis Health System are dedicated to the healthcare of our communities in eastern Oklahoma. To learn more about services provided through Saint Francis, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.