The doctors, cancer specialists, nurses and staff of the Inpatient Oncology Unit at Saint Francis Hospital take a multidisciplinary team approach to care. From treatment to dietary needs and beyond, the 32-bed inpatient oncology unit provides everything needed under one roof. Our goal is to ensure a calm, caring and comfortable environment for patients and family members.
Saint Francis Inpatient Oncology Services
- Cancer treatments
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Pain management
- Dietary
- Social worker
- Pastoral care
- Pharmacy
- Palliative care
- Hospice
Inpatient Oncology Patient Information and Helpful Tips
Below are some of the suggestions and tip sheets created to help cancer patients who have been admitted, as well as family members of these patients. These flyers can be printed or saved to one's own computer.
Chemotherapy – Special Care at Home — Chemotherapy is helpful to those who need it, but can be harmful if handled incorrectly. This flyer details how to manage chemotherapy in the home.
Health Information for the Cancer Patient — This helps to define common terms used in cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as discuss the Nadir period and what to watch for during this time.
Quick Overview: General Nutrition Guidelines During Cancer Treatment — During chemotherapy or radiation the dietary goal is weight maintenance. This flyer offers guidelines to ensure the patient is getting enough calories and proteins.
Nutrition During Cancer Treatment — This is an in-depth booklet about nutrition. It includes recipes, guidelines, supplement information and much more.
Clinical Case Management — This flyer touches on the importance of a hospital discharge plan and how case management can help.
Palliative and Hospice Care — Palliative Care and Hospice Care are both helpful tools with a cancer diagnosis. This flyer describes both – what the differences are, and when each can be helpful.
Inpatient Oncology Unit at Saint Francis Hospital
The Inpatient Oncology Unit is located within Saint Francis Hospital.
Saint Francis Hospital — Oncology Unit
6161 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK 741363
Learn More About Services Offered at the Saint Francis Cancer Center
To learn more about us and our services, please view the links below. For additional questions or to schedule a Cancer Center consultation, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.
American Cancer Society Resource Room
Breast Health Services
Cancer Genetics
Cancer Treatments
Medical Oncology
Outpatient Infusion
Pediatric Services
Radiation Oncology
Screenings - Lung