Early detection of lung cancer is key to treatment and survival rate. The Saint Francis Cancer Center and Saint Francis Health System offer Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening, if you're at high risk for developing lung cancer. Our specialists use the CT scan to better detect lung cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. According to the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), a low dose CT scan may reduce lung cancer-specific mortality by 20 percent.
Think you're at risk of lung cancer? Take our short assessment now.
Lung Cancer Risk Factors
If you’re between the ages of 50 and 80 and answer yes to one of the following questions, you may qualify for this life-saving screening.
Are you a current smoker who has smoked at least one pack per day for 20 years or more?
Are a former smoker who smoked at least one pack per day for 20 years or more and have quit within the past 15 years?
Low Dose CT (LDCT) Lung Screening
The LDCT lung screening is one of the easiest screening exams you can have. The exam takes less than 60 seconds. No medicines are given, and no needles are used. You can eat before and after the exam. You do not even need to change your clothes, as long as the clothing on your chest does not have metal in it. However, you must be able to hold your breath for at least 10 seconds while the chest scan takes place.
The lung cancer screening program decreases the death rate for lung cancer by 20 percent. However, it is only helpful if you continue to have the LDCT scan done yearly. It is a commitment to your health.
LDCT Lung Screening Risks and Limitations
There are some risks and limits in performing LDCT lung screening. We want to make sure that we have done a good job explaining these to you, so please let us know if you have any questions.
- Radiation exposure: LDCT lung screening uses radiation to create pictures of your lungs. Radiation can increase a person's risk of cancer. The amount of radiation in LDCT lung screening is small - about the same amount a person would receive from a screening mammogram.
- False negatives: No test is perfect. This includes the LDCT lung screening. You may have lung cancer or other medical conditions not found during your screening. This is a false negative.
- False positives/additional testing: Your LDCT lung screening may find something in the lungs that it detects as possible cancer, when in fact it is not. This is a false positive. False positive tests can often cause anxiety. In order to make sure these findings are not cancer, you may need to have more tests done, but only with your approval. Sometimes patients need a procedure, such as a biopsy, that can cause possible problems.
- Findings not related to lung cancer: Your LDCT lung screening exam also takes pictures of parts of your body next to or near your lungs. In a small number of cases (5-10 percent), the CT scan will show an abnormal finding in the area of your kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, thyroid or other parts of your body. These findings may not be serious. However, you may need further examination. Talk with your doctor about the need for more testing.
Your Test Results
A radiologist reads all screening LDCT scans before reporting the results. You and your doctor will usually receive your results within 5-7 days.
Paying for Your LDCT Lung Screening
Medicare covers LDCT lung cancer screening for those who meet specific eligibility criteria; otherwise coverage varies by insurance plan and payer.
Schedule Your Lung Cancer Screening at Saint Francis
For more information or to determine eligibility, please call our Lung Cancer Screening Program Coordinator at 918-494-6467.
Smoking Cessation
Smoking is the biggest risk factor for getting lung cancer. If you are ready to quit smoking and decrease that risk, we have tools available to help you. If you have already quit smoking, keep up the good work!