Pediatric Cancer Care
As a parent, discovering your child has cancer can be devastating. You may experience a wide range of feelings, including denial, anger, guilt, grief, fear and confusion. These reactions are normal and may be a way of helping you cope with the situation.
Pediatric Cancer Care at Saint Francis Children's Hospital
The skilled and compassionate pediatric cancer team at Saint Francis Children's Hospital is dedicated to ensuring the best care possible for your child.
Saint Francis Children's Hospital Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic is a member of the Children's Oncology Group (COG). Children's Oncology Group, a National Cancer Institute supported clinical trials group, is the world's largest organization devoted exclusively to childhood and adolescent cancer research.
In July, 2016 our pediatric hematology/oncology outpatient clinic became the eighth affiliate clinic for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This brings more clinical trials to area children than any other program in Oklahoma.
Learn more about the St. Jude Affiliate Clinic at Saint Francis Children's Hospital.
Your Pediatric Oncology Team
Our pediatric oncology nurses are specially trained to work with children and adolescents who have cancer. They can also help with general health problems or questions that may come up during therapy.
Your personal pediatric cancer social worker is involved in your child's care plan from the very beginning. He or she will meet with you and your child in the clinic or hospital soon after your child has been diagnosed with cancer. They will help sort out the many social, family and financial needs that arise. The social worker is available to you and your family to provide ongoing support throughout your child's treatment.
Our experienced pediatric oncologist/hematologists are specially trained in the care of children and adolescents with cancer and blood disorders. They get to know you and your child and can address any questions or concerns you may have. The whole team becomes your family away from home.
Other Hospital Staff Involved in Your Child's Care
Certain hospital staff are also commonly involved in your child's care. Our hospital dietitian can help when your child is on a special diet or has problems eating. He or she can help you plan a diet based on your child's likes and dislikes, as well as advise you on how best to deal with eating problems related to treatment.
One of our Child Life Specialists can assist when talking to your child about their disease and can help explain procedures in a way your child can understand. They also work to bring some fun in to each child's day.
Pediatric Cancer Specialists for Every Stage of Your Journey
For more information about our comprehensive pediatric cancer care, please call us at 918-502-6720.
St. Jude Affiliate Clinic at Saint Francis Children's Hospital
Types of Pediatric Cancer
Helpful Resources
Saint Francis Children's Hospital Child Life Department