Support Services
At Saint Francis Cancer Centers in Tulsa and Muskogee, we strive to care for your overall health and wellbeing, not just your disease. Our comprehensive support services include:
- self-management education specific to patient's type of cancer;
- nutritional support for patients;
- physical medicine and rehabilitation;
- Nurse Navigators (Tulsa location);
- behavioral health services; and
- access to community resources such as wig programs, exercise programs and more.
Behavioral Health Services
Saint Francis behavioral health professionals help patients, family members and caregivers deal with the emotional and behavioral changes related to a cancer diagnosis. Psychologists and licensed therapists are available to talk with patients and their loved ones (including children and adolescents). All calls are confidential.
Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital | Tulsa, OK
Learn more or schedule an appointment: 918-491-3700
For mental health emergencies, Dial 911.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care staff are available in Tulsa and Muskogee to listen carefully and understand compassionately, to care and to pray with those who desire to do so. To set up a time to talk with a Pastoral Care staff member, please talk with your nurse or call 918-494-7435.
Hospital Chapels
Saint Francis hospitals in Tulsa and Muskogee house a chapel so that patients, their families, visitors and staff may reflect and pray. Mass is celebrated at each location and all are welcome at any time.
Medication Assistance
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
For information on pharmaceutical patient assistance programs, search for medications by name, download and print application forms. Call 1-888-4PPA-NOW or visit www.PPARx.org.
National Cancer Education
The following links are recommended sites for those wanting to learn more about a specific cancer types and cancer in general.
Cancer Information and Support
Anemia Information and Support
Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma