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Gene Symbol: FGFR2 (exon 8 only)
Chromosomal Locus: 10q26
Protein: Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
Pseudonyms: FGFR2 exon 7 or exon IIIa; Acrocephalosyndactyly, type 1; ACS1; ACS I
TESTING METHODOLOGY: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA Sequencing of exon 8 (aka 7 or IIIc)of the FGFR2 gene.
- Collect: Prefer two 5ml whole blood EDTA (lavender top) tube.
- Min. Collection: 0.7 ml whole blood EDTA.
- Transport: blood EDTA at Room Temp shipped next day air (No Saturday delivery; store specimen refrigerated and ship Monday).
- Stability: Ambient: up to 7 days; Refrigerated: 2 weeks. Frozen: unacceptable
- Unacceptable Conditions: Serum. Frozen or severely hemolyzed blood. Clotted blood.
Prenatal testing: Direct: 5ml direct unspun amniotic fluid or 15mg CVS tissue with a backup flask growing. Culture: confluent T25 flask. Maternal blood sample is required for maternal cell contamination studies.
A Molecular Genetics Laboratory Test Requisition must accompany the specimen. Contact the Molecular Laboratory at 918-502-1721 to obtain further information.
- To determine whether Apert syndrome is responsible for abnormalities in the skull, hands, feet, or eyes.
- To discriminate between syndromes with overlapping clinical symptoms in an affected individual.
- Prenatal diagnosis as indicated by abnormal ultrasound findings.