Saint Francis Health System is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for patients, visitors and staff. Please review our campus policies below. These apply to all Saint Francis locations across eastern Oklahoma including, hospitals, Warren Clinic offices and Laureate.
Tobacco Policy
To establish and maintain the safest and healthiest possible environment in which to deliver healthcare, Saint Francis Health System and properties are tobacco free. Use of tobacco products is prohibited in or on Health System owned or leased property inside and outside buildings, parking lots or garages and personal vehicles in parking lots. Visitors are not to dispose of their tobacco litter on Health System properties.
This policy applies to everyone; all employees, patients, medical staff, students, contracted personnel, volunteers, visitors and vendors of the Health System as well as the general public. Tobacco products include pipes, smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, snuff and herbal smoking and/or tobacco products. This policy also covers any type of electronic cigarettes.
Nicotine addiction is real and help is available. To learn more visit Health Zone's Smoking Cessation page or the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline site.
Patient Visitation
Title 63-1-706a of the Oklahoma Statutes requires the posting of the No Patient Left Alone Act.
Please note the disclaimer included with the PDF: "Nothing in the act should be construed to require a hospital to allow a visitor to enter an operating room, isolation room, isolation unit, behavioral health setting or other typically restricted area or to remain present during the administration of emergency care in critical situations. In addition, nothing in the act should be construed to require a hospital to allow a visitor access beyond the rooms, units, or wards in which the patient the visitor is visiting is receiving care or beyond general common areas in the hospital."
The Hospital may limit visitation by policy when a visitor is engaging in disruptive, threatening or violent behavior involving staff, licensed practitioners, patients or other visitors.
A PDF file of the statute can be viewed here.
Guest Wi-Fi
Saint Francis is pleased to offer free wireless internet access for patients and their visitors. The service is provided via a wireless in-house network that is available throughout most areas in our hospitals and doctor's offices. Visitors must bring their own wireless enabled device with wi-fi support in order to connect.
Guest wi-fi is a valuable service that allows patients and their visitors to stay in touch with friends and family during their stay. Instructions on how to connect to the wireless network are available at each nursing station and in the Patient Information handbook.
On-campus Interviews with News Organizations or Media
It is not uncommon for a news outlet to reach out to a patient or family member via social media. Saint Francis Health System follows federal guidelines regarding patient confidentiality as outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996. In order to safeguard the privacy and integrity of our patients and their personal health information, no interviews are allowed on Saint Francis property without a member of our public relations team being present. This includes interviews with family members of a patient. For more information, please review our media policy page.