Religious Sisters of Mercy

The Religious Sisters of Mercy is a Religious Institute of Pontifical Right dedicated to the Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy. Established in 1973 in response to the renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council, the Institute recognizes Venerable Catherine McAuley as its original foundress.

Saint Francis Health System Convent

Sisters from the Religious Sisters of Mercy nstitute live on the Saint Francis Hospital campus and work throughout all Saint Francis hospitals. They strive to be present for anyone who needs them, whether it be patients, a patient's family member or staff. They also work closely with local ministers and rabbis to meet the spiritual needs of guests of all faiths.

About their Vows

The goal of the Institute is the praise and worship of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the boundless mercy which has been revealed through the works of creation, redemption and sanctification.

The Sisters bind themselves by professing vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as a fourth vow of service to the poor, sick and ignorant.

Learn More about the Religious Sisters of Mercy

To learn more about the sisters that live and work at Saint Francis, visit their website at