Pre-Test Instructions
Most laboratory tests require no special preparation on the part of the patient. There are some, however, that do. Some of the more common tests that require special patient preparation are listed below. Please click on the test your doctor has prescribed for pre-test instructions.
Patient Pre-Test Instructions
Blood in Stool Collection | Cómo recoger una muestra para detectar la presencia de sangre en las heces
Catecholamines Serum and Urine Test
Cortrosyn or Cortisol Stimulation Test
Fasting Specimens
Glucose Tolerance Test | Prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa
Lead Test
Lipid Profile
Maternal Glucose Screen | Prueba de Glucosa Maternal
Ova Parasite - Stool Sample Collection | Recogida de una muestra de heces para un examen de huevos y parásitos
Occult Blood
Pinworms - Collecting Sample
Serotonin, Blood
Sputum Specimens
Stool Sample
Stool Specimens
Urine - 24-hour Collection | Recogidas de orina de 24 horas
Urine - Collecting Clean Catch | Recolectar una muestra pura de orina
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA)