Prevention & Risk Factors
Skin Cancer Prevention
Without question, the best way to lower the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer is to avoid long exposure to intense sunlight. You can still enjoy the outdoors while using sun safety at the same time. Here are some ways to be sun safe while enjoying outdoor activities:
- Avoid the sun between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
- Seek shade: Look for shade, especially in the middle of the day when the sun’s rays are strongest.
- Wear protective clothing: Cover up with protective clothing to guard as much skin as possible when you are out on a sunny day. Choose comfortable clothes made of tightly-woven fabrics that you cannot see through when held up to a light.
- Slather on the SPF: Use sunscreen and lip balm with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Apply a generous amount of sunscreen (enough to fill your palm), reapply every two hours and after swimming, toweling dry or sweating. Use sunscreen even on hazy or overcast days.
- Wear a hat: Cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat, shading your face, ears and neck. If you choose a baseball cap, remember to protect your ears and neck with sunscreen.
- Don’t forget the sunglasses: Wear sunglasses with 99 to 100 percent ultraviolet (UV) absorption to provide optimal protection for your eyes and the surrounding skin.
It is important to remember to follow these practices even on cloudy or overcast days. UV rays travel through clouds. Avoid other sources of UV light, including tanning beds and sun lamps. They also pose a serious risk to your skin.
Skin Cancer Risk Factors
People with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop skin cancer. Risk factors vary for different types of skin cancer, but some general risk factors to keep in mind include:
- A lighter natural skin color
- Family history of skin cancer
- A personal history of skin cancer
- Exposure to the sun through work and play
- A history of sunburns early in life
- A history of indoor tanning
- Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily or becomes painful in the sun
- Blue or green eyes
- Blonde or red hair
- Certain types and a large number of moles
Learn More About Skin Cancer
About Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer Symptoms
Skin Cancer Tests and Diagnoses
Treatment of Skin Cancer
Learn More About Common Types of Cancer
To learn more about different types of cancer, please review the links below. For additional Saint Francis Cancer Center information or to schedule a consultation with a cancer specialist, please call Saint Francis HealthLink at 918-488-6688.
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Head and Neck Cancers
Hodgkin's Disease
Lung Cancer
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Prostate Cancer
Skin Cancer
Pediatric Cancers