Inpatient Care

Your care in the Laureate Senior Behavioral Health program is our top priority. Our admissions coordinator and assessment counselors are ready to help you begin the process.

Senior Services Admission Criteria

In most cases, an older adult qualifies for admission when they have a psychiatric diagnosis and:

  • are a danger to self or others;
  • require complex management of their condition; and
  • cannot be safely managed in an outpatient setting.

Anyone can refer a patient including self-referral.

The Admission Process

Upon admission to the unit, a registered nurse will meet with you to complete a comprehensive nursing assessment, including medical and psychiatric history and a physical exam.

For security reasons, your belongings are inventoried thoroughly. You'll tour your room and the unit. You'll also meet other patients and staff. Unit rules, visitation and program expectations will be discussed. Please review the patient handbook for more information.

In order to develop an individualized treatment plan, you will also be assessed by other members of our senior services team within 24 hours; including a psychiatrist, internal medicine physician, a licensed therapist, a recreational therapist and other providers as needed.

Learn More About Admission to Laureate Senior Behavioral Health 

If you or a loved one would benefit from our treatment program, please review the admission criteria call our Admissions Coordinator at 918-502-5007.