Visiting Hours & Information

For the health and safety of patients and staff, Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital does not offer in person visitation unless it specially ordered by the physician.

Items for Patients

Prior to bringing items, please check with the patient and inpatient staff to see if the patient is in need of anything and to be sure that the items are acceptable. Persons dropping off belongings MUST provide the patient’s privacy code number when they arrive. Please review our Belongings Information form for a complete list of approved items.

Patient Phone Calls

Patients are able to receive phone calls between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Below are a couple of items to keep in mind.

  1. No caller will be put through without the patient's privacy code number.
  2. Calls should be kept brief to allow time for other patients to use the phone.
  3. Patients are expected to participate in therapeutic activities and are not able to make or receive calls during these times. Feel free to talk with the unit staff regarding best times to call.
  4. For routine calls about the patient's progress, family members are encouraged to contact the assigned therapist.

Additional Patient and Visitor Information

For Patients
For Visitors
Maps and Parking
Pictorial Tour
Pastoral Care

Learn More About Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital

For questions, or to schedule an appointment with a mental health professional, please call the Laureate Outpatient Clinic, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 918-491-3700

If you or a loved one is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, dial 911.