Safety Resources for Kids

Preventable injuries are the leading cause of death among children in the United States. Safe Kids Tulsa Area and Saint Francis Children's Hospital are committed to keeping children safe. By providing parents and caregivers with safety information and tips, we can work together to keep kids of any age safe from preventable injuries.

High Risk Areas of Injury

Millions of children are treated for injuries in emergency rooms every year. These injuries are often serious and can affect them for a lifetime. Each year in more significant cases, about 8,000 families lose a child because of preventable injury. When a child dies, the lives of families are changed forever.

The following areas have proven to be areas where the most children are injured or killed. Each section provides education, safety tips and resources to help keep kids safe.

It's a kid's job to be curious, explore and discover. It's our job to keep kids as safe as possible while they're at it so they can grow up to do all the great things kids are meant to do.

Learn More About Safe Kids Tulsa Area

Safe Kids Tulsa Area is the eastern Oklahoma affiliate of Safe Kids Worldwide – a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children. To learn more, or for information regarding membership to our coalition, please call our office at 918-494-SAFE (7233).