Senior Mental Health

The Laureate Senior Behavioral Health Unit offers specialized care for older adults who are facing severe emotional distress, significant psychological challenges or complications from dementia impacting their day-to-day functioning. Our program is designed to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to help our patients to improve their quality of life and well-being.

Our Programs

We offer two separate programs on our unit:

  1. One program focuses on the stabilization of mental health crises and assists the patient on the journey to recovery.
  2. Our second program focuses on helping patients with Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders control emotional and behavioral symptoms primarily through medication management.

Our Locations

Laureate Tulsa

  • Phone: 918-481-4044
  • Fax: 918-481-4059 and 918-491-3994

Laureate Muskogee

  • Phone: 918-902-1269
  • Fax: 918-684-3373

Laureate Vinita

  • Phone: 918-256-9201
  • Fax: 918-256-9205

Laureate Email: [email protected]

Our Approach

At the Laureate Senior Behavioral Health Unit, we understand the unique needs of older adults facing mental health issues. Our team (including a psychiatrist, therapist/case manager, pharmacist, recreational therapist and a registered nurse) collaborates to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs and goals.

To schedule an assessment or make a referral, call the Laureate clinical assessment department at 918-481-4000.

Our Requirements

Below are the expectations and documentation requirements for external entities referring patients to Laureate:

  • Face Sheet/Demographic Sheet
    • Brief overview of the patient's medical history.
    • If from a nursing home or hospital, attach the physician's progress note or relevant clinical summary.
  • Behavioral/Progress Notes (Last 72 Hours)
    • Clear clinical picture of current and recent behaviors (e.g., suicidal ideation, hallucinations, violent behaviors, etc.).
    • Description of interventions already tried and the patient's response.
  • Updated Medication List
    • Include the most recent medications with dates/times of last administration.
    • For injectables, specify the last administration date.
    • If transferring from another hospital, provide both home and current hospital medication lists.
  • Long-Term Interventions (if applicable)
    • Document any ongoing needs (e.g., oxygen, Foley catheters, etc.).
  • Legal Documentation
    • Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) or Guardianship paperwork (if applicable)
    • Advance Directives (if applicable)
    • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders (if applicable)
  • Recent Lab Results (Last 2 Weeks)
    • Include any labs that may impact immediate treatment or the admission decision.
  • 3rd Party Statement/LMHP Form (if applicable)
  • If no POA/Guardian is available and the patient cannot consent, attach a completed 3rd party statement or LMHP form.

Transfer Process & Expectations

Submit Documentation via Fax or Email

  • Fax or email all required documents to the Behavioral Health Transfer Center.
  • An ADT-36 form (if used) is created to place the patient in the transfer queue.
  • All records are uploaded for clinical review.

Referral Assignment & Review

  • The referral is directed to the appropriate BHU or Laureate team for evaluation.
  • If that facility cannot accommodate the patient, the referral is forwarded to the next closest location.

Additional Notes

Age Criteria

  • Muskogee and Vinita Behavioral Health Units generally serve geriatric patients (55 and older), if clinically appropriate.
  • Laureate accepts adult and geriatric referrals.

Complete & Accurate Documentation

  • Providing thorough, up-to-date documents helps expedite the referral process and prevent delays.

Contact Us

Behavioral Health Transfer Center

Please call or email with any questions or to confirm receipt of materials.