Chemical Dependency

Chemical dependency is both a physical and psychological craving for a substance and the feeling experienced while using it. The distinction between substance abuse and addiction is made when a person moves from wanting these substances to needing them to get through the day.

Reclaim Your Freedom from Drug and Alcohol Addiction

At the Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital in Tulsa, we offer hope and help to adults and adolescents looking to get their health and lives back on track. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, count on our chemical dependency treatment center to provide expert care, wherever you are in your journey:

  • Acute/Inpatient Detox: Highly personalized, medically supervised level of care to safely and effectively detox the patient, monitor their progress and provide education and support to take control of their addiction.
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP): Designed to allow each participant to achieve permanent changes in his/her substance-using behavior through 12 hours of weekly treatment and group-, individual- and family-focused therapies.
  • Recovery: Providing support, guidance and encouragement to help each patient abstain from alcohol and other drugs and take a new approach to life that leads to lasting success.

Additional Resources for Chemical Dependency

The chemical dependency specialists at Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital in Tulsa are committed to providing all the tools, information and inspiration you need to enjoy lifelong success.

Below are a few organizations that can help support your recovery:

Speak with a Chemical Dependency Specialist at Laureate

For questions, or to schedule an appointment with a mental health professional, please call the Laureate Chemical Dependency Center at 918-491-3700.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, dial 911.