Binge Eating Disorder

First recognized in the 1990s, binge eating disorder is characterized by episodes of compulsive overeating. Those with the disorder do not practice purging, but have feelings of lost control and marked distress about their eating behavior.

At the Laureate Eating Disorders Program in Tulsa, OK, our highly skilled and compassionate care team is here to help you take control. We focus on getting to the causes of your condition - and providing the highly individualized binge eating treatment and proven therapies you need to enjoy lasting recovery.

Characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder

  • Frequent, compulsive overeating that feels out of control
  • Eating rapidly
  • Eating to the point of being uncomfortably full
  • Eating alone
  • Irritation and disgust with self after overeating
  • History of dieting and/or failed diet attempts

Common warning signs of binge eating disorder include being overweight and psychiatric illnesses such as depression.

Learn More About Our Eating Disorders Clinic

For more information about binge eating, and what makes our eating disorder program different, please call 800-322-5173 (918-491-3702 inside the Tulsa metro area). There is no cost for the screening call and no obligation to proceed with treatment.